How to remove USB flash drive shortcut virus | All Open Source

Wednesday, 4 December 2013

How to remove USB flash drive shortcut virus

Now-a-days it is very common problem that when we copy our data in a USB flash drive, the files are transformed into shortcuts and copying that files results in copy of  the shortcuts actually which are useless. There are two ways to overcome this situation:
  1. Using Command Prompt
  2. Using usb shortcut remover

1. Using Command Prompt

  • First of all, click on the start menu button at the bottom left of the screen and click "Run"(on Windows Xp) and type "cmd" or if you are using Windows 7, type in the search bar "cmd" and click it. A screen will open with black background.
  • Then write this command assuming that my flash drive has letter "H":                                       -h  -r  -s  -a  /d  /s  H:\*.*
  • After a few seconds, your all files will be showed.

2. Using USB shortcut remover

  • You fist have to download the shortcut remover from this link:
  • Copy this file in your usb flash drive and open it
  • After clicking Shortcut Virus Remover.bat, a window will open with black background
  • Press any key to continue. Then after a few seconds, your data will be recovered.
  • Copy your data and enjoy yourself

If you find this helpful, comment below.


  1. thanks bro...! v.nice job...

  2. thanx,for helping people free of cost

  3. thax for helping people free of cost

  4. nice dear....very nice and simple way dear.Keep it up.nice way to serve..
